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Writer's pictureLogan1018


Updated: Oct 4, 2020

As I begin this entry the song “Waymaker” by Sinach comes to mind. The chorus is “Waymaker, Miracle worker, Promise Keeper, Light in the Darkness, My God that is who you are…..”. In a time when there are so many changes and questions as I look at the world around me something that hasn’t changed is “Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever” (Hebrews 13:8). And how amazing is our God when we fully open our hearts and all that we are to allow Him to work through our words and actions to impact the world around us. None of us are perfect, I know I am far from perfect but God will give me and all of us what is needed to fulfill where He is calling us to serve.

How are world is different in only a few months. We woke up one day and everything began to change due to some unseen virus. How quickly our daily routines dramatically shifted as we saw our communities where we live shut down. We were in a true Lent as we entered Holy Week. When all Masses were suspended it gave each of us an opportunity to take a deeper look at our faith and relationship with God. Our pastor challenged us to look at our lives and to use this time to truly see what is important, what can bear fruit and then see those activities or habits in our lives that could be cut away to allow our lives to flourish. In the weeks of Eucharistic fast I found Jesus asking me to take the time to enter into deeper silence and reflection with Him. I discovered this desire to “be still” and sit in front of our Lord daily at my church. To put away the books and just be with the one that I love. As these days have been going by I have had many people ask me when I am entering the convent and I share with them that with the amazing generosity of those currently walking with me on this road that we have raised 29% of the goal. And I am ready to enter the convent when God-willing we raise that last dollar.

When all this began and we were hearing about the hardships, losses, sickness, isolation, and I felt God asking me to shift my full focus and take a step back from the fundraising to see how I could be a support to others. Now, in the recent weeks, I have felt the pull from God to return my focus on my vocational path in which He has called me. But how does one navigate the waters of a time when in person gatherings and events are not yet possible or even on the horizon? God is asking me to adapt and change while staying focused on what He has placed on my heart. To weave my story and discernment journey into one-on-one conversations, group talks, and more of the social media world. Through continued prayer I see how I am being asked to take this time to find opportunities to speak to others about the vocational call to religious life while also carving a path to make more resources accessible for those discerning religious life/priesthood.

It is usually in looking back that we can see a clear picture. As I look at the time since my acceptance in October I can see how God has been working through me to help plant seeds even if only in small ways. And I understand how this would not have been possible if I had a straight path to entrance into the convent. God has been working to refine me, to purify me, and help me to grow in areas to prepare me to enter. As one of the priests in my diocese shared “May we be inspired with a fervor, with the love of Christ deeper than it has ever been before that we may follow the flame of our beloved.” I am ready, when the times comes, to give my whole life to serve our Lord and the Church.

I want to leave you with a couple questions. What are Blessings that you have seen in the lives of those around you and in your own life during these challenging days? What is God saying to you during these times?

Pax et Bonum!

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