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Novitiate Journey

Can you believe that tomorrow is August already. It is definitely in the air of the return to school. Most of our sisters on Mission have left the Motherhouse and many who work in the schools are preparing to welcome the students for the new year. This summer was a whirlwind. After the reception into the Novitiate in June, we had about five weeks of a specific schedule for all of formation. We definitely had full days of work and instructions and of course recreation with prayer at our center of every day. It was wonderful to have a chance to be amongst my peers for this time. There is something about being around others who understand the part of the journey you are on and to be able to support one another especially in your own community. Through the weeks, during our free time, we had chances to bike, kayak, play v-square (4square with a volleyball), and just chat and play games. And thanks to Sister Mary Teresa's (one of the sisters in formation) dad, I was able to drive my first tractor! That was so neat.

This year we were able to continue the tradition of our FSCC Heritage walk. These walks take place to include places of historical significance to our Franciscan Community. These year we walked from Clarks Mills to Maple Grove via back roads. The funny part was the expectation was a 7 mile walk but it ended up being around 12miles, which one of the sisters stated at a later point. Of course we felt it that day as well. Ha! But it was definitely an experience of uniting to history in prayer and community on a hot and buggy day. (Picture below)

It is so much fun to be around families and one of the highlights of the summer was to have an opportunity to be "a presence" at Arise Milwaukee family day (picture above of me and Sr Maria Guadalupe). Bishop Schuerman kicked off the event with a prayer. It was amazing to see how many families came out to enjoy a day of music, face painting, field games, food and fun, and then the day ended with Adoration with worship music by the Scally brothers and confessions. To be a witness to see how many families remained for Adoration was a true blessing. God is really good and working in the hearts of so many as they face the challenges and joys of raising families in the Catholic faith in todays day and age.

Tomorrow I begin my new schedule for Novitiate so I will have much more to share in the months to come. Of course the one of the important pieces is to have more time for prayer which I am looking forward to at this time. Your postulant year is the opportunity to dive in and gain an understanding of religious life and for me the Franciscan Sisters of Christian Charity. Now is the time to pull away from volunteering and ministries outside of the motherhouse to give more time for prayer. Also to gain more an understanding of religious life, the FSCC, and the vows of poverty, chastity, and obedience. I will admit that this is a challenge for me to have been so active helping out in the manitowoc community and vocation events and now to pull back. I will be starting off working for a couple hours daily in Saint Rita's, which is where our assisted living and nursing home are for our sisters. Then each month following for the Fall I will be in a different area of need around the motherhouse. I am looking forward to all that I will learn. This week also begins violin lessons. Yes, I did say violin. We have an opportunity to take lessons for an instrument and I decided at this time that I would like to try the violin so we shall see. Sister Marcus, one of our sisters, will be teaching me and I am excited to see how this goes. I am look for a secluded place in our motherhouse so I don't drive anyone crazy. Ha!

Alright this is all for this update. Look out for the next one coming in August. Please pray for our community and especially Michelle, our new postulant, who will be arriving on August 16th! And as always please pray for our seminarians, priests, brothers, and sisters and all discerning priesthood and religious life/consecrated life. Pax et Bonum! - Sister Catherine Peter

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