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Novitiate Entrance Coming Up Soon!

News to Share! I had submitted my request to enter Novitiate with the FSCC and was accepted! I will be entering the Novitiate with the Franciscan Sisters of Christian Charity up here in Manitowoc, WI on June 9th, 2022! This is the day that my "Sister" name and class symbol will be revealed, and I will receive my white veil as I enter my canonical year of Novitiate. This will be a private ceremony here at the motherhouse. This is the next stage of formation in Religious Life.

So what will Novitiate look like for me in this community? As a Novice I will become an official part of the FSCC family. This is a two-year period of time to give the Novice the opportunity to grow deeper in relationship with God, their prayer life, and knowledge of the consecrated life. The first year that I am entering focuses on the history, spirit and charism of our Community and the Constitutions in which we live. This is also a time where there is a disconnect from ministry work and the amount and ways of communicating with others is limited in order to make sure the focus is on what is intended. And to overall limit distractions as my discernment continues as I follow this call from God within the FSCC community. I am nervous and excited as I look at taking this next step. Over this time I know there have been many people praying for me and I ask for continued prayers for all of our Sisters in formation and all of our FSCC Sisters. We are a community of prayer warriors but we also need prayers as well.

I am writing this post as I am just a night away from being back in Colorado Springs, CO for a home visit for two weeks. Where has the time gone during this first year. I had my last nights with the high school and middle school youth at St. Francis of Assisi - Waldo this past Monday, where I was volunteering with their faith formation programs. And I also had my last day volunteering at the hospital a couple weeks ago. It was a wonderful year to meet so many amazing people and to also be able to give back to our local community as I have been growing and learning and transitioning into this Religious Order. It is always a challenge to know that you will not be returning to the ministry but I am thankful for the opportunities and look forward to what is next in the formation journey. I was given permission to continue this blog as I move forward. This will be the best place to hear about updates so sign up on the home page of this website! When I publish a new post then you will be notified by email. Again, thank you all for joining me on this journey. I would not be where I am today if I did not have so many wonderful people walking with me. I intend to throw in answers to questions as I am asked in future posts. Pax et Bonum! P.S. Just thought I would share a picture. This was a wonderful day to join Sister Carol to present on vocations in her hometown. So many of the children shared they had never seen a Sister before so what a beautiful opportunity for a fully professed sister and postulant to be witnesses to Religious Life. We also encouraged them to always be open to any of the vocations in which God may be calling them. Just one of the fun moments this past Spring.

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Deborah G. Washington
Deborah G. Washington
Jun 11, 2022

Blessings Sister Catherine Peter!

My heart is full with joy for you. I pray that your journey leads you to grow Closer with with zest, knowledge, love and fortitude for our Lord Jesus Christ. My prayers are forever with you my dear sister In Christ. I will be thinking of you when we celebrate the 1 year anniversary of the Ordination of Bishop James Golka. What a marvelous day that will be!

Pace e Bene, Cristo è risorto, Alleluia!



May 25, 2022

Katie, Thanks for the update. Sounds like you will have some fun and growing experiences ahead of you. We will look forward to learning what name has been chosen for you, and to begin referring to you as “Sister.” Hope we might see you when you are in COS, but if not know that we are grateful for the way God is leading you, and for the thoughtful, and purposeful way you are discerning his will.

Rich and Gail Cleveland


Deborah G. Washington
Deborah G. Washington
May 21, 2022

Katie, I’m so excited for you! And Yes, I’ll continue to pray for you and the FSCC. My heart was full of joy to see you at Mass this morning.

Pace e Bene, Cristo è risorto, Alleluia!

Your Sister In Christ,



Lisa Marie Hunt
Lisa Marie Hunt
May 20, 2022

Katie, this is so exciting! Continuing to pray for you and can't wait to see you in person!

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