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August 2022 Blog Update

God is truly good all the time! Summer is coming to an end as I write this August blog update. By this point all of our Sisters who were here for the summer have left and returned to their missions. It was so wonderful to have a chance to meet all of the sisters, even briefly, over this past summer. I am looking forward to more opportunities in the future over time.

As I begin this update, First I would like to share that Michelle, our new Postulant arrived last week from Austin, Texas. Michelle actually was here at the motherhouse last year the day after I arrived to enter as a Postulant. God works in amazing ways that now a year later she entered the Postulancy on the same day as me of August 16th. It is so great to have a peer in the postulant/novitiate community again. There is something special about having other peers to share in conversation and experiences during formation and especially as a novice. And of course now we have another kayaker and soon to be winter enthusiast. So I am so grateful for her arrival and look forward to getting to know Michelle as we walk together with our Directress Sr Kathleen, the rest of the sisters in formation, and the FSCC community during this time of discernment. Please pray for Michelle and all of the Sisters in Formation. Here is a picture of Michelle and Sister Maria Guadalupe (Temporary professed Sister). I will share more community pictures in future posts.

So what has been going on here in Manitowoc, WI? This past month I was so excited to help out in Saint Rita’s, which is where our Sisters live who are in need of Assisted/nursing home level of care. During my Postulant year because of Covid, Saint Rita’s was closed more then open, so I did not have many opportunities to visit especially with my Postulant schedule. Unfortunately Covid entered the motherhouse again this past week so my time in Saint Rita’s was cut short this month. But the time I did have the first few weeks of August was wonderful. I helped to lead rosary with another sister each day on our memory care floor. And then it was so interesting to have a chance to have one-on-one time with our Saint Rita sisters as I went through an interview form to hear about their life, vocation call, and ministry work. I learned so much about many of our sisters in just a few weeks which I am so Thankful for at this time. And now I can go back and visit which I look forward to in the months to come. I also had a chance to help the Sisters who run Saint Rita’s with some different tasks that needed to be completed. During September I will be helping out with housekeeping. I will have to share how this goes in my next entry.

Well I need to share………… I now have a new occupation…….. bat hunter. Ha! Yes, I did say bat hunter. Well I had heard that bats are common in Wisconsin and in older buildings but I have been here over a year and this was my first experience. I finally was able to see the use of the tennis racquets when it comes to the not so cute, bats. Bats are definitely gifted aerialists and love large spaces. We had success in one Sister catching one bat but we were not successful in catching the bat that decided to fly into one of our chapels and use this for a playground. Michelle, myself, and two other sisters (more experienced bat-hunters) threw in the towel after probably 40minutes when the bat had finally flown behind our sanctuary back drop and did not come back out after some time. But later, one was caught on a sleeping floor so we are thinking the same one, or we all hope. Ah…….life is always interesting at the convent.

As I look at what else to write for this month I am reading my letter from Alora, a wonderful pen-pal from my hometown parish Holy Apostles, who gave me some ideas on what I could share. One idea was to give a violin update. So how is the violin going? I have completed my 3rd lesson and I am learning “twinkle twinkle little star” at this time. I am thankful that I am able to practice in a back room in our area of the house but I still pray for those Sisters who may hear my practicing. Ha. I am sure those who play instruments know what it is like to start out on one and I am unfortunately not a undiscovered prodigy of the violin. So this will be one step at a time. I am really enjoying the lessons with Sister Marcus. I am also practicing my clarinet as well which I have a bit more experience. Who knows maybe at one point I can post an update clip of the Novice musical instrument journey. Another suggestion was to share about what my week looks like at this time so here is a glimpse. Every day we pray the Liturgy of the Hours morning prayer and vespers with our whole community in chapel and then mid-day and night prayer with formation. We also have adoration weekly and part of my prayer is to pray the rosary each morning. In formation we then have laundry every morning except for on Sundays. Throughout the week we have instructions specific to what stage we are in of Formation. And with instructions we each have two sisters who are part of our team for the year who join in with our directress. And then Michelle and I will be studying the Bible Timeline by Jeff Cavins with our directress which I am really excited to start. Each morning is when I help in the department of the month. So this past month was Saint Rita’s and next month will be housekeeping. We will also be starting Catechism classes taught by one of our Sisters which will be weekly. And of course there is the fun of recreation time together which is nightly. Each night varies on who recreation is with for that night. And of course with all of this is prayer at the center of the day and now the studying begins. So this is just a glimpse of the basics but everyday is a bit different and you never know what the day will bring. There are continued joys and challenges as I am entering the 3rd month of Novitiate. It is amazing how from our Postulant to the oldest member in our community that each one of us continues to learn and grow each and every day as we listen and respond to our Amazing God and walk this vocational path within the life of our beautiful community of Sisters. We all have different roles and missions within the community but each of us with Christ as our center and the ongoing drive and zeal of our Catholic faith.

Alright I will end my update there. Thank you to all of you who are walking with me and my FSCC community. Please continue the prayers for our Franciscan Sisters of Christian Charity community and those in formation. And as always please pray for our seminarians, priests, brothers, and sisters/consecrated women and all discerning priesthood and religious life/consecrated life. Pax et Bonum! - Sister Catherine Peter

P.S. Here is a couple pictures from a visit we had with a high school group from Nebraska. It was so much fun to meet these youth and so great to have some friendly competition in V-Square.

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1 kommentar

John Logan
John Logan
28 aug. 2022

Sounds like there is plenty to do and learn. May the journey continue!

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